The Zambezi is in full flood after a record-breaking rainy season, with experts comparing the current volume of water with the levels famously seen in 1977/78.
At Matetsi Victoria Falls, our most visual indicator of the water levels is on the deck area.

Our General Manager, Jono Hudson, has shared photos of the deck with us from late March until now.

These photos show the rising water levels over the period Monday 23 March (bottom right) to Friday 27 March (left), as they approach and eventually submerge the outdoor dining deck at Matetsi Victoria Falls.
The river levels dropped slightly in early/mid-April and are once again starting to rise as a second wave of flooding is expected.

The photo on the left, taken on 17 April, shows the water about to once again engulf the deck. The one of the right was take 10 days later, and the deck is fully submerged. The waters continue to rise and we note the level against the railings.
Although it may look a little alarming, the deck is in fact much closer to the riverbank than the main lodge. Matetsi Victoria Falls is in no immediate danger from the rising water, although key areas (including the wine cellar!) have been sand-banked as a precaution. The staff village is on even higher ground, and the team remain safe and dry.